My mom said that every year there is a big event where a bunch of dogs come home....and that 10 years ago when great great great great great grandpa Artus was very young, they decorated him. I had a good laugh at that!
Anyway, they did a puppy evaluation there too. (They seem to do a lot of puppy evaluations). And Pam DymondWeed - who is the mom of Shelby2's sister and who had Adam and my mom at her house when Adam was even younger than I am - got one of the puppies. It turns out that my boy Bobby (look how small he is) helped name him Phoenix. What Pam never knew was that he was named after John and Bobby's kitten! (I'm glad they didn't name me - they wanted to call me Lucia Drusilla!)
Why go into all of this boring history? Because it turns out that the little puppy turned out to be my grandpa!