Saturday, December 26, 2009

In Which I Celebrate My First Christmas!

I honestly don't know what my human family did before I got here!  As was to be expected, I received the most presents - stuffed animals, pig ears - you name it.  In the spirit of Christmas, I did allow Panzer to keep his large bone (at least for now).  After we finished celebrating here, we all packed into the van and my mom drove me over to meet her mom for the first time.  She's not crazy about dogs and wouldn't let me in the house.  I charmed her anyway with my best behavior.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Trillium Artus Zum Soehrewald Nov. 21, 1997-December 14, 2009

I didn't update my story last weekend as my great great great great great great grandpa Artus was ill.  Now I know what my mom meant when she talked about the rainbow bridge.

Except for me, everyone has been really quiet.  My boy Bobby is growing a beard out of respect for Artus and my mom has been crying when she thought no one was looking. 

Panzer thinks he is supposed to be leader of the pack now....little does he know!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

In Which I Set a New Record!

My mom says I'm starting to grow up - my ears are up and I'm getting a stripe on my muzzle! This afternoon I even managed to stay with my mom for a whole 30 minutes without trying too hard to run off and play with my toys and chase Panzer and great great great great great great great Grandpa Artus around the house.  But I was good (for me at least) only because my mom and I played games outside right before.  I flopped down on the ground multiple times and then ran across the yard to get her.  She thought that was  funny.  Humans are pretty easily amused. We watched White Christmas - we don't have snow here either but my mom says that's going to change this week.